(Updated 8/18/24) Determining the ideal acceleration point is a key part of optimizing a racing line, so in this lesson, we’ll go over a simple way to visualize and understand why the ideal acceleration point is always at the apex and why straightaway length doesn’t affect the ideal line through a corner. This doesn't mean that a driver should accelerate at the apex every time however, so make sure to read through to the end of the lesson to learn about the compromises that must sometimes be made. | 1. The Acceleration Point 2. The Ideal Apex 3. The Chicane 4. The Double Apex 5. The Straightaway 6. The 90-Degree Limit |
This lesson starts a new series covering the fundamental principles of racing line optimization, and I wanted to start off with the acceleration point because, not only is it a central principle, but was also one of my first eureka moments in regards to the physics of racing.
When I first started racing in the 2000s, I read everything I could in my pursuit of knowledge and speed. I delved deep into data analysis and vehicle dynamics, as well as going through all the driving technique books I could find. With my background in physics, my initial aim was to piece together the principles that governed the ideal racing line. As is depicted in this illustration from Going Faster, the Skip Barber book on race driving, one common theme in the driving technique books was that a driver should generally begin accelerating prior to the apex. The apex is the point on the inside of a corner that a car passes closest to. While some of the driving books didn't make a direct recommendation regarding the acceleration point, the ones that did usually showed that it was before the apex, but didn't seem to offer clear advice on where exactly this point should be. |
An important vehicle dynamics principle to understand is that when a vehicle is driven at the limit, its speed and line radius are linked. A higher speed requires a larger radius and this is an exponential relationship so double the speed requires four times the radius. This means that when a vehicle at the limit turns in during corner entry, its line radius will start to progressively decrease, but it must progressively slow down to do so. Then, at the point of minimum speed in the corner, the line reaches its minimum radius before it begins to progressively expand again as the vehicle accelerates. |
So we've learned that accelerating before the apex causes a vehicle to have a lower speed through a corner, but a side effect of this early acceleration is that it can allow a higher straightaway speed afterwards. Because of this, it is sometimes suggested that if the straightaway is long enough, the distance spent at that higher speed will make up for the extra time spent in the corner, and a car can be faster overall. This is not true, however. The reason we don’t see top drivers like Greger Huttu accelerating early before long straightaways is that the acceleration point is not a balancing act between the corner and the straightaway. Instead, accelerating before the apex simply acts as if the driver is going through a corner that is earlier and tighter than it really is.
The key principle to understand here is that although a vehicle that accelerates before the apex can achieve a higher speed at a given position on the following straightaway, at that same point in time, the same vehicle driving on an ideal line would already be at an even higher speed while also being further down the track. Starting at 7:50 in the video linked below, you can see a demonstration of this principle where two different lines from the same car have been overlaid. You can see how the early acceleration car, which is called Super Late Apex in the video, reaches 67 mph as it crosses a given position at corner exit, while the ideal apex car, called Baseline, only achieves 64 mph at that position. The key however is that, at the same point in time that the early acceleration car reaches 67 mph, the ideal apex car has also already achieved 67 mph, but is 46 feet ahead. This actually represents a best-case scenario for the early acceleration car, as it was at least able to achieve the same speed at the same time as the ideal apex car, but since it traveled a longer distance around its false apex, it is 46 feet behind. Since both cars are identical and would be accelerating from the same speed of 67 mph at that point, the ideal apex car would maintain this 46 foot advantage down the straightaway, regardless of its length.
Before moving on, I do want to mention that once the distance between two corners is short enough, it does have an effect on cornering technique, as they must now be optimized together as a chicane or double apex. While the ideal acceleration points would still be at the apexes, the distance between the corners helps determine how early or late those apexes are. We’ll cover this in future lessons, but it’s important to understand that unless the corners are close enough for this to happen, the ideal apex and line will not change based on straightaway length. In the next lesson, we’ll also look at another way to understand why the ideal acceleration point should always be at an apex.
From Line Theory to Racing Reality
As we wrap up this lesson, I want to emphasize that while learning the theory behind racing line optimization can be an important first step as it is useful for analysis and understanding the ideal technique, a driver isn’t supposed to go out on track and apply these principles directly. Instead, we recommend a driver take a progressive approach where they gradually internalize these principles by learning to feel the physics at work out on track and that is what we teach in our Academy program. Part of this process is learning the relative time penalties for different types of mistakes. In this lesson for instance, it is important to understand that not accelerating until after the apex will generally have a greater time penalty than accelerating before the apex. Sometimes much greater, depending on the car and corner and this is most likely where the traditional advice to accelerate before the apex originated. While top talents like Greger Huttu show us what’s possible, attempting to mimic his technique without having the underlying skills can often result in worse times than starting with a more conservative approach. Then as skills improve, a driver can push closer and closer to the ideal.
It’s also important to understand that while a driver can understand and visualize the ideal line, they can never truly achieve it. Even the very best drivers will have constant imperfections in their line and every little imperfection will then change the ideal line for the rest of the corner. It is a constantly moving target and even though the ideal acceleration point is right at the apex, a driver can’t simply begin accelerating as they pass it because their line up to that point is not going to be ideal. Imperfections in their entry might cause their current best acceleration point to end up being slightly before, slightly past or even slightly outside the apex. While this wouldn’t be ideal if the entry was done perfectly, it was as close to the ideal as the driver was able to achieve that time.
I hope you enjoyed this first installment in our new Racing Line Fundamentals lesson series and if you have any questions, please use the comments section below. Up next, we’ll look at the factors that determine The Ideal Apex and line through a corner. If you are interested in a complete guide to the physics of racing, we also offer The Science of Speed book series, available through our bookstore or at popular retailers such as Amazon. We’ve also just released a new t-shirt that we are selling at cost so please check that out as well. Adam Brouillard | 1. The Acceleration Point 2. The Ideal Apex 3. The Chicane 4. The Double Apex 5. The Straightaway 6. The 90-Degree Limit |