(Updated 8/19/24) For part 2 in this Racing Line Fundamentals series, we’re going to explore the factors that determine the ideal apex and line through a corner. We’ll learn how a vehicle’s ratio of acceleration compared to its cornering ability governs the ideal apex a driver needs as well as how this influences the line the vehicle will take through a corner. | 1. The Acceleration Point 2. The Ideal Apex 3. The Chicane 4. The Double Apex 5. The Straightaway 6. The 90-Degree Limit |
We learned in part 1 how the ideal acceleration point is at the apex of the corner, but now we need to determine the location of the apex as well as the angle and speed the vehicle will have as the driver reaches it. This is not as complicated as it sounds however, as all these factors are linked. A good way to visualize this relationship is to overlay circles on an overhead view of a corner representing different corner entry paths. You can see in the illustration below how we have laid two circles of differing size over the entry to a corner. Both circles are placed so that they are aligned with the corner entry edge where the turn-in points are marked and then shifted left or right until the circles just touch the inside of the track near the apex area. The car in the illustration is currently driving at the limit on the smaller red circle, and this circular path means the car will be at a constant speed from turn-in to the apex, which is marked by a yellow dot. A circular entry is not the fastest corner entry method, but using circles makes visualizing the relationship between apex angle and speed easier and the principles we’ll learn here are the same as with a more ideal corner entry method which we’ll look at near the end of the lesson.
Although a typical racetrack looks like a complex series of various curves, it can primarily be broken down into linear zones of acceleration and deceleration separated by apexes. A double apex is the one exception, as it acts essentially as an extended apex, and as we progress through the lesson series, we’ll see how all of these corner types fit together. To start however, let’s zoom in one of these linear acceleration zones so we can begin learning how a correct apex is key to an optimized corner exit.
Since the car maintains its speed of 50 mph throughout corner exit, it might be tempting to say that it has conserved momentum, but momentum is not actually being conserved here. Instead, momentum is being converted into acceleration, which then becomes new momentum. At the apex, the car is experiencing 1.2 g of lateral acceleration from the tires’ maximum ability to overcome the vehicle’s forward momentum and turn, and it’s important to understand that this lateral acceleration is the same as forward acceleration. The sideways force that a driver feels on their body while cornering is the same as the force they feel on their back while accelerating. If there were a nearby car that just launched toward the finish at 1.2 g using a standard drag race start, they would both currently be experiencing 1.2 g of in-track acceleration and starting to move toward the finish at the exact same rate.
An important principle to understand is that the more acceleration potential a vehicle has in relation to its cornering ability, the later the apex it will need. For example, if our new more powerful car used the same apex that was ideal for our original car, it would be no faster through the corner because it would have no ability to use that additional power until the corner was over. 100% of the tire grip is already being used to keep the car on a constant speed arc and trying to use any additional power would cause it to start running wide. Our more powerful car will need a later apex so it will have room for its line radius to expand as it accelerates during corner exit. To understand how a vehicle’s acceleration vs cornering potential affects the shape of its exit line, we can examine its G-G plot.
Before the actual corner begins during the straight-line braking portion, the driver would be at the bottom center of the circle, as they would be decelerating the car directly backwards. Then at turn in, as steering began to progressively increase while braking progressively decreased, the combined tire forces would steadily move around the edge of the circle like the hand of a clock with the exact combination of steered angle and braking force at any moment dictating how far around the circle the driver currently was. For corners where deceleration isn’t needed until after turn-in, the driver would maintain throttle as they progressively turned in the same way as before, but the driver would then move directly to the appropriate place on the circle at the point deceleration is needed and continue around from there. |
When we first looked at corner entry at the beginning of the lesson, we used a circular approach to more easily visualize the tradeoff between apex angle and speed and we’ve now learned this circular line means the driver would have needed to stay on the side of the G-G plot from turn-in to the apex. This entry would be the equivalent of our non-accelerating blue car’s exit line and would only be ideal for a car that had no ability to brake and turn at the same time. Most cars are able to combine braking and turning effectively however, and this ability essentially gives them the corner entry version of our powerful red car’s exit. Just as the red car was able optimize tire force in the ideal direction during corner exit by steadily progressing around to the top of the circle, almost all cars can do the same during corner entry on the bottom of the circle. In a standard corner, the ideal direction of force during corner entry parallels the track in the same way that it does during corner exit and the ideal direction shifts right at the apex. This optimized entry requires the driver progressively decrease brakes while increasing steering to move around from the bottom of the circle to the side and many readers will recognize this as trail braking.
So let’s look again at our original corner entry comparison, except instead of using different size circles, we will use different size Euler spirals. An Euler spiral is a line that’s curvature starts to increase linearly along its length and this makes for a good corner entry blueprint because it closely matches what an optimized entry in most cars will be. As the driver progressively increases steering as they move around to the side of the G-G plot, their line radius will steadily decrease and closely follow this shape. When using the Euler spiral to examine possible apexes, it’s important to never use more than, at most, the first 90 degrees, as marked in red. As we discussed earlier with how an exit shouldn’t ever go over 90 degrees, an entry shouldn’t either, and we’ll talk more about the implications of this 90-degree limit in future lessons. |
As in the first lesson, the principles learned here are not meant to be used by a driver to try to precisely calculate the ideal line. There are a great many car and track variables that will influence the precise maximum force available at any moment and these will all affect exactly how quickly the driver should be moving around the edge of the G-G plot at any given instant. While a quality lap simulator can provide a reasonably accurate solution, this is primarily useful for race teams to develop setups and strategy, as they often have limited track time. Telemetry data from a fast driver can often be closer to an ideal lap, but even if the telemetry for a perfect lap were available, this would only best be used as a general guideline.
I hope you enjoyed this second installment in the Racing line Fundamentals series and if you have any questions, please use the comments section below. Up next, we’ll look at the first of the two linked apex corner types, the chicane, but first we recommend you now go through the Car Control Fundamentals lesson series starting with The Limit. If you are interested in a complete guide to the physics of racing, we also offer The Science of Speed book series, available through our bookstore or at popular retailers such as Amazon. Adam Brouillard |