We've put together a quick-reference infographic of the racing line covering the whole apex spectrum. From the lowest-acceleration early apex to the fastest late apex. Virtually every vehicle would ideally travel somewhere between these two lines.
The graphic covers everything from turn-in points and apex angles to the appropriate steering, throttle, and braking needed along the continuum of apexes. You'll learn what kinds of corners and cars need earlier and later apexes as well as the key differences as your apex angle moves along the inside of the track. See how cars capable of high-acceleration in a corner need a later, slower turn-in and a slower, tighter radius to more effectively use their power during corner exit.
The graphic covers everything from turn-in points and apex angles to the appropriate steering, throttle, and braking needed along the continuum of apexes. You'll learn what kinds of corners and cars need earlier and later apexes as well as the key differences as your apex angle moves along the inside of the track. See how cars capable of high-acceleration in a corner need a later, slower turn-in and a slower, tighter radius to more effectively use their power during corner exit.
I hope you enjoy this infographic. If you are interested in a complete guide to the physics of racing, we also offer The Science of Speed book series, available through our bookstore or at popular retailers such as Amazon.
by Adam Brouillard
by Adam Brouillard